
jueves, 20 de abril de 2017


Present Continuos
Ø  Danny: I am going to buy a new car.
Ø  Claudia: I am learning to drive.
Ø  David: I am dancing with my friends.

Past continous
Ø  Danny said that he was to going to buy a new car.
Ø  Claudia said that she was learning to drive.

Ø  David said he was dancing with his friend. 

IIn this course I colud practice the correct way to write, also I learnd a lot of vocabulary and practice most of the structure that we need in English. 
I I like this class because we study somethig and then we made practice, so that give the opportunity to take advance in each topic. 
When the teacher notice that we have some problems he gave us more examples and practice. 

Semana #11


  • Hardworking
  • Persistent
  • Perseverant
  • Ambitious
  • Risk-taker
  • Self--confident
  • Hihg self-esteem
Present continous

Direct and Indirect speech

  • I Donk like coffee. / Mike said he didn't like coffee. 
  • I work from home. / Bob said that he worked from home.
  • I drink orange juice in the morning. / Sam said that he drunk orange juice in the mornings. 

Semana #10

Linking words:

  •  As 
  • When
  • While
  • Suddenly
  • Accidentaly
  • All of a sudden
  • Out Of nowhere
  • Oot of the blue
Sentences for practice: 

  1. I was driving in the high way when suddenly, a dog appear. 
  2. Jorge was shanving his beard, when accidentaly cut himself. 
  3. Sara was walking in the woods, when suddenly syeped a snake. 
  4. I was walking in the park, when out of the blue I find money. 
We had to learnd more verbs in past and practice a lot of sentences to keep fresh how to do it. 

Those linking wors help us to write in a better way, to explain in the correct form. 

Semana #9

Crime Vocabulary:

We learnd no just the vocabulary, we also learnd how we can use it as a verb and noun.

Around this week we also practice active a passive voice again.

Semana #8

Passive and active voice sentences:

Some sentences that we did at class:

  1.  We stopped the bus. / The bus was stopped by us
  2. The lion was killed by the hunter. / The hunter killed the lion. 
  3. She pays a lot f money. / A lot of money is paid by her. 
We stuied a lot these part because it is so confuse for us, we made a lot of practice and I feel more confident with that. 

Semana #7


Strong Adjectives

  • Impressive
  • Spectacular
  • Breathtaking
  • Historical
  • Stunning
  • Scenic
  • Amazing
  • Powerful
  • Monumental
  • Coroful
  • Picturesque
  • Magnificent
  • Marvelous
  • Magical
Most of those words were knew for me, I fell so exciting when I wrote my paragraph and I could use new words. 
I learnd about my coutry and practice a lot my english skills. 


Paragraph #1
What makes a relationship work?
·         Statistics said that nowadays around 40% of marriages end in divorce. So, what can we do?
·         Brainstorming: communication, kind of lifestyle, likes and dislikes, be prepare, beliefs, commitment, kids, money, age.

A good and solid marriage depends on two people, that’s it. Definitely, it needs good communication, being prepared for that step and real commitment. First, we need to understand that two completely people different people star to live together and do almost all side by side; it is important to share all kind of ideas, dislikes, wishes and differences in a good way, always thinking that you love that person and you don’t want to hurt him/her. Second, nowadays you need to do some things before you get married; it depends on each one, for example: study, travel and more. Third, the new generation prefers to change instead of fight; marriage needs two committed people that try harder to stick together. To conclude, marriage is for those people who believe in repairer and not change. 

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

Semana #6


  • If I won the lotery, I would stop working..
  • If I had a car, I wouldn't have to take the bus.
  • If I could fly, I wouldn´t spend my time in traffic jam. 
  • If I didn´t have to go to class tomorrow, I would go to the mall. 
  • If I spoke Italian, I would visit that country. 

Semana #5

Presente Perfect

Have you ever tried with an exboyfriend?

I enjoyed some ideas that the teacher taught us, for example VOA Special English, I learn a lot of. 

Prephas at verbs

Tie Down: take someone
Put on display: to show arround

Semana #4


I met my best friend Mónica, when I was 8 years ago. We were almost the same age, so we we had a lot of in common, and we enjoyed each others company. We used to went to eat, spend time at home, and went to beach. 

For me this topic is easy, but I need to practice more, and those practice help me to refresh some structure taht I forget. 

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

Semana #3

These sentences were so confused for me, but we did a lot of practice we made it. 

  • I have always gone to Orlando, but I have never been at American Idol
  • I have always drunk juice, but I have never made a good choose
  • I have ever read a romantic books, but I have never read a Fantastic books. 
At this moment my favorite part of this course is that we learned something new and inmediatly we practice it, in my case I learned y a good way. 

Semana #2 Dating


I liked this week becuase we had a lot of entertainment and the class was very dinamic.
As we were learing about the topic we start to use the present perfect and we had to made some questions, so we practiced a lot.

  1. Have you ever tried with an exboyfriend?
  2. Have you ever felt in love with the wrong person?
  3. Have you bronken a promise?

Semana #1 Dating


I like this topic, beacause you can know about the stadistics and with this topic you can open your eyes to the real about it.
We learned a lot of vocabulary and some phrases that we can use to talk with american people.

Get along with
Catch up
Be in the same boat