
sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Fruits and vegetables.

Go, do and play...



Go for a walk

Have lunch

Meet friends


Read a book!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/image.jpg


Simple present; negative

My progress..

Since I was in this course I learned a lot of words and grammatical rules.  I practice the thing that I know and I can improve little by little my knowledge. I feel more comfortable speaking in front of people and the book's practice is so good to see all the mistakes that I have and review the topics that we practice in class.

Go, do, play...

email/ paragraph #2

June 30th, 2016
Dear Dr. Gomez,
Hi, how are you? I hope you are well. I just started exercising at fitness center, so my routine and my daily meals are different. First, I take breakfast half past 6 am; for example, I eat one egg or cereal with milk, or sometimes a turkey sandwich with orange juice. After that, my morning snack is always a package of cookies with a juice; it is 100% natural. Next, I take my lunch at 12 sharp; it is based on rice, beans and different kinds of meat, for example, chicken, tuna or red meat; I also have a salad; it has lettuce, tomato, cucumber and chickpeas. Then, I drink coffee or tea with cookies; this is my afternoon snack. Finally, from 7pm to 9pm I take my dinner; I usually eat easy-to-prepare food, for example, burritos, chalupas or salads. I never drink water, just the days that I go to the gym. On weekends, I eat outside and try to ask for salads or healthy options.
Please let me know if my diet is ok, or if I have to change something. 

